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.Youth Future Project

Seed of life supported the conference of the Youth Future Project in Bonn.

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To discover new horizons - even in our hearts - you have to know where you are standing and where you want to go. You also need some visions of how you can find new ways. Ways of magical moments, untold stories of ways we lost. Find some inspirations while you search in the clips, books and other stuff. Decide which way you want to go.
Clips | Books | Movies

.Inspiring Stuff

We live during difficult times.
We need a big number of impulses to be reminded of the fact that there is more to life than just our own life. But also, that our life can set an impulse to change something. A variety of books, thoughts, videos and other informations will help you reflect if you are still on the right path.


Seed of Life is a free, international movement, creative and non-violent, which advances new human perspectives, which makes a contribution, so that the different points of view can unite, so that new companies, products and perspectives can come into being which will help us to understand that we are the guardians of life. Our central focus is the value of life. We are the change that we want to see in the world. Everyone for themselves, and yet together. For life!